Do I need to bridge patients with heparin or LMWH to XARELTO®?

There is no need to bridge with heparin or LMWH for the DVT and PE treatment indications. XARELTO® can be used as a single, oral agent at the time of diagnosis; it can also be used following initial treatment with heparin or LMWH.1,2

Initiation of XARELTO® is not recommended acutely as an alternative to unfractionated heparin in patients with PE who present with hemodynamic instability or who may receive thrombolysis or pulmonary embolectomy.

For VTE prophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients at risk for thromboembolic complications who are not at high risk of bleeding.

DVT = deep vein thrombosis; LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin; PE = pulmonary embolism.